Meet our team that help build dreams

Our skilled and motivated guys understand your business needs and devise the best software solutions in minutes.

Our Team

Experts in aspects of IT services & software that help companies carry out seamless operations.

    Wrishiraj Kaushik
    Wrishiraj is a technology evangelist and the founder of multiple tech companies..


      Mani Kumar Lakkaraju
      24 Years Expertise in building IT solutions and delivering innovations globally.

      Founder & CEO, SolworxS

      We are a Small Team onboard and A large Community NoCode Developers with AmpleNet. Join the Community today.


      Amplenet (Please give the link here) is a community for NoCode Developers with focus to

      • Empower Developers
      • Conduct Workshops
      • Organize Events
      • Project Collaboration
      • Promotions